Part Four

Tatanya Positronic Bananas Tough Assignment

Sad days had fallen on the house of banana. For seven days and seven nights Tatanya Positronic had worked on her tough assignment. It was surely as grueling a task as any young Banana had been made to do: research and write a paper regarding the points to address of a singular painting, to be found in the HRC. And lo, the points to address were as follows: form, balance, line, repetition, rhythm, pictoral space, perspective,viewpoint, style, and effect. All these points were to be combined into one integrated essay. Yes, in an unholy marriage, art, english, and calculus had been combined into the toughest assignment ever. To her dear friend, gasoline girl, Tatanya turned, desperate for help. Alas, Gasoline Girl had received the very same assignment, theirs were different in no way at all, and was far too busy to be of any assistance. It was clear that this assignment was not the task for a single mortal to accomplish, and help was certainly the only way. The majority of irritability's cast had wisely vacated the Banana household, fearing the paper, and unwilling to help. However there was one who seldom does that which is wise, and in the house he remained. He was: Chappy Chappy.
Unsuspecting, our friend Chappy sat at the table, feasting on cocoa puffs and playing final fantasy legend on his nintendo gameboy. "Chappy Chappy?" Tatanya Positronic began, speaking in the most charming manner she could. "I have undertaken a quest to defeat the unholy assignment, and I am in desperate need of your help!" However Chappy was not so dull as to fall for that, in fact he did not fall at all. "Ahem, I cannot help you, for I am unable to write." Though Chappy Chappy's evasion was a skillful one, Tatanya was a clever girl, and she saw through it. Surely he could write, for he is writing this now, even as we both speak. "I do not speak english." and he began to say nonsense things: Yahzwee fah tweepp foo knut did he say, and much more gibberish as well. And Tatanya became angry, and she did say: "If you do not help me, I shall reveal your treachery to Gasoline Girl!!" but Chappy did not know what she meant by treachery, so she had to remind him, which is fortunate for you. Many months ago, Gasoline Girl had been brought to the home of Banana, against her wishes. Chappy would often say: "I will take you back to your home if you prepare for me a feast" and after she did so, he would eat the feast, and fall into a deep sleep, for he could do that on command. When, days later, she would awaken him so that she could return home he would be upset that she had awakened him, and cite this as his reason to not fulfill his promise. And she did cry. He did this for many other things, like bring me a bunch of beers, or carry me over to the TV. In fact he did very little for himself, he and Beireia were beginning to get fat around the middle. (of course Beireia did this also) However, as Tatanya Positronic Banana knew, and you probably did as well, Chappy Chappy never had any intention to let Gasoline Girl return to her home, but rather he would continue to make her do everything for him forever. And if Tatanya revealed what she knew, it would be the end of his happy life, and a return to a dreary existence full of effort and stuff. Reluctantly, he agreed.
Not one time had Chappy seen the painting of which the essay was to be a review. Tatanya did draw a picture with her pencil upon paper. Alas, it was a poor representation, and not a bit of inspiration did her unwilling accomplice feel. "I need some inspiration." he said, and began a long and arduous journey to the refrigerator. Just then, Tatanya's stomach began to growl: "grrrr!" it said. She called to Chappy: "Wait for me!" but he said no,he would not. And she followed behind him, and ran and tackled him, knocking him to the floor, upon which he struck his head. There on the floor he lay, while Tatanya Positronic continued to the refrigerator, cackling madly. She had almost reached it, when Chappy came to, grabbed her ankle, and yanked her feet out from underneath her, and she did fall to the floor as well. Chappy Chappy leapt to his feet, standing upon her stomach, and drew forth from the freezer a half gallon of blue bell ice cream. Hot Fudge Brownie was the flavor of the ice cream which Chappy did eat. And he ate all of it, slowly, relishing every bite. "Hey! get off of me, you big jackass!" Tatanya said, for he had been standing upon her stomach the whole time, like 30 minutes, and he had gotten pretty heavy since Gasoline Girl had moved in, about 220 pounds. Then he stepped down, and proceeded to write the paper. Tatanya did not feel like she should stay up to help. "I'll got to sleep now, and look at what you've done in the morning." And she kept her word, and went to bed.
When Tatanya Banana rose from her night of peaceful slumber, Chappy Chappy was still at work, diligently writing words upon the paper. She read the first page, and was astonished at what she saw. Chappy had written longways across the lines of the paper, and in all capital lettering, leaving out spaces between words, as well as punctuation. The essay was in praise of the artist's brilliant use of the color orange, which Chappy detested, as a symbol for the evil in all people. He continued to express his belief that the painting had a hidden message, conveyed by the use of orange. Bees were the minions of the devil, and they put orange into all people, making them do bad things, this is what a large bit of the paper said, or read, or whatever. Although the essay was very well written, she must admit, the content was an amazing mass of idiocy. And she did shout at Chappy, demanding that he redo the paper, in a better way. But Chappy did not want to, and rage flowed through his body, for he had stayed up all night to write the essay, of which he was quite proud, and was very irritable. He was not going to rewrite anything, and he let Tatanya know this by means of shouting. She also was angry, and said to Chappy: "Oh yeah? well, I'm going to tell Gasoline Girl how you keep tricking her!!" To which he responded as follows: "Nay! ye shall not, for I will slay you before you get the chance!" And he unsheathed his ancient sword, the infamous Vedic blade. Tatanya fired a yellow beam of energy, striking Chappy in the face, and throwing him through the wall. She leapt towards him, intending to beat him senseless, but he was instantly on his feet, and hit her with his burning fist attack. Backwards flew Tatanya Positronic Banana, tumbling over and over.
Upon hearing the commotion, Victor Banana and the others, who had been hiding in the closet since his daughter was assigned the writing thing, ran out to stop the destruction of their home. Aaah! don't break anything! he said. "Daddy, Uncle Chappy messed up my paper! Make him fix it!" Victor's daughter begged of him. But Chappy had seen his way out of this mess. "If you don't like what I wrote, why don't you get someone else to do it for you?" he asked, and then leapt through the window and ran off into the hills. Beireia didn't want to help, either, so she followed him. Chappy's idea sounded good to Tatanya, so she asked her father for his help. And Victor Banana did think. But he was a level-headed fellow, and so said: "I've never seen the painting and you have, so it seems like you ought to write it, especially since this is all Chappy's writing. It doesn't look like you've done anything at all." And Tatanya's face was red. Well, yeah, I guess... she said. And so it was decided that she should write the paper herself and not be so lazy. She started by writing down all the points to address- form, balance, line, repetition, rhythm, pictoral space, perspective,viewpoint, style, effect to help her think of something to say, but it didn't help so she wrote it again. But still, no ideas came to her. When she had filled up a page, she decided it was time to take a break.
Meanwhilst, Beireia and Chappy Chappy had fallen back into their old habits, wandering here and there, killing things. However, their dependence upon Gasoline had slowed them down, they were lazy. And so, they mainly killed things that couldn't run away. After a while, when Chappy had used his mighty flame to burn off all of his calories, and Beireia done the same by running around a bit, they were back to their slim, original shape. And then a brilliant plan came into Beireia's mind. If the teacher that assigned Tatanya's tough assignment were to meet an unfortunate fate, they would not have to worry about helping her, but rather, would continue their previous effortless existence, ha ha ha! And so they set off for Tatanya Positronic's school, to rid the Banana house of the horrid curse that had befallen it. (that's the assignment) But of course they got lost along the way, and it took them a couple of days to get there. I forgot where they went, probably the ghetto again. They found a room that looked like it would be Tatanya's, and slowly crept up on the teacher, sitting in a chair. Alas! a steel cage fell from the ceiling, trapping our two heroes. The chair spun to face them, no ordinary teacher was this before them, rather: CLAWSON!! Old was he, with a shriveled claw arm like bob dole. Squinty were his eyes, and wrinkled was his face. "I have you now, Batman!" said he, and did cackle maniacally. "You stupid old bastard!" Beireia yelled. "Neither of us is Batman, or anything looking even a slight bit similar!" And just at that moment of great peril, flew to Clawson's head a medicine ball. Even as the senile coot did curse he who threw the ball, Professor Coker did step from the shadows. "It's time to end your evil ways once and for all, Clawson!" said he. "Free those whom you have imprisoned in yonder cage of iron!" And a weighty silence did hang in the air, like a balloon, except weighty.
At long last, Tatanya Positronic Banana finished her paper. It was four to five pages long, plus a cover page where she had written the points to address, and Chappy Chappy's 3.5 pages as an expert commentary. In addition to Tatanya, Gasoline Girl, too had finished the paper. Six pages in all was hers, compared to Tatanya's eight to ten. (I'm not really sure how many, because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle) But Miss Banana isn't really a mean person, it's just that Chappy always makes her mad, so she did no gloating. They proofread each others papers, then began to get ready for school. And in the shower, Gasoline Girl thought to her self: "Today is the day when I throw down the chains these psychos have bound me with, and return to my own home!" She put on her clothes, got into the car, and they drove to school. The one who was driving was Ionil Banana, and she needed to be reminded which way to go often, yet still she went the wrong way many times. And finally, Victor Banana did decide to drive, and he did a little better. They arrived, and the two schoolgirls got out of the car. Security guards were about, ambling here and there, making sure that the school was secure. The two security guards who were around that day were the very same cops that had been injured in the third chapter. They had been demoted from police officers to safety officers because they had allowed so many crimes to occur. They recognized Victor and Ionil Banana, and fled in a cowardly fashion, yelling for backup as they ran. Into the school building went they, and triggered the potentially hazardous situation alarm. And a throng of students did rush out of the school. Tatanya and Gasoline Girl had to force their way through the tide of folks rushing in the other direction to turn in their papers. Tatanya went first, since she was stronger, and better able to throw aside those who would rush right into them. "Hey, we hit the alarm, you're not supposed to come in!" so spoke the larger of the two aforementioned security foos. But the two girls continued forward. They tried to tell them that they needed to turn in their papers, but were too out of breath, haaa haaa was all that they could say, and that doesn't make any sense at all. "They've got rabies!" said the skinny cop, and he did draw his gun. But Tatanya was too fast, and she blasted them both with her banana beam.
"Damn! I hate being trapped in iron cages!" Chappy Chappy exclaimed. And he then rent the cage apart, tearing the bars asunder. Clawson was dismayed. "Ah! I have underestimated you, Batman!" having spoken thus, he threw to the ground a smoke bomb, and disappeared. "Where did he go?" asked the confounded professor Coker, but neither Beireia, nor Chappy were listening so they gave no reply. And then, from out of nowhere, Clawson appeared above Coker, and hit him with the Clawson claw attack, knocking the elderly scholar to the floor. But Chappy and Beireia remembered their mission, which was to destroy Clawson, and so free the Banana home of the terror which had followed the tough assignment there. Chappy raised his hand, preparing to unleash his mighty flame. "Die, old fool!" he said. And at that very moment, Tatanya and Gasoline Girl burst into the room, papers in hand. They insisted that Chappy tell them what exactly he was doing. "We have to turn our papers in to him!" they said. But our memory impaired hero misheard the two students, thinking that they intended to duplicate the evil old educator by transforming the paper that he had worked so hard on. Chappy was aghast. "So! Tatanya Positronic Banana, daughter of Victor Banana, my very own second cousin, twice removed! you are in cahoots with this senile villain!" But Tatanya responded, explaining that she did not like him, but he had assigned the paper, and now they must give it to him so that he might grade it. And all was forgiven. "You'll never catch me!" Clawson cackled, shuffling into his escape pod. Unable to stop him, Coker cursed the name of Clawson from the floor, upon which he lay. Sulfurous fumes filled the room, as well as the old man's laughter. And the rocket pod did rise into the sky, disappearing from sight. The realization that she could no longer turn her paper in came as a crushing blow to poor Gasoline Girl, and she began to weep. Just then the potentially hazardous situation alarm ended, and the other students crowded back into the building. Tatanya said to her friend: "Class is about to start. Let us go forth, we can think of something before art class."
X is a letter that we haven't seen all big and olde english yet, there it is. Anyway, they did not think of anything, there was very little to think of. The student body was alive with chatter. They spake of the battle between Coker and Clawson, asking: "Who will teach Art History now that Clawson has gone?" And they did discuss the matter in much detail, finally deciding that there would be a substitute. "Well, Duh." Tatanya Positronic said in a manner most sullen, "I guess we'll give the papers to the substitute. I wonder who it is." The faculty of the school was divided down the middle into two factions: The side of Good, which included professor Coker, Joe the happy janitor, and Hulk Hogan; and The Bad Guys, including Clawson, all the security guards(Robocop, Johnny Conversation, Roadblock, and Enforcer), and the principal, known only as The Boston Crab. Thus, it was expected that the substitute teacher would also be evil, but the matter was not certain. After lunch, which Tatanya Positronic and Gasoline Girl hardly tasted, so fraught with emotional distress were they, art history class began. The figure at the head of the classroom identified himself. "I have defeated the treacherous old fool you knew as Clawson, and now I am the Teacher. My name is Chappy Chappy, and this is my TA, Beireia." The boys in the class, being students of high school rather than college, did not know the acronym TA, and took a different meaning. "T and A, huh?" they said to themselves, staring at Beireia's chest and backside. Beireia noticed this, became angry, and struck them all down with the flying blackboard eraser technique. "Now that we all know who is in charge here, let's begin. Please turn in your writing assignment now." Chappy commanded. Tatanya, who was initially shocked into silence, now rose and asked what Chappy was doing in her classroom. But he had already said the answer to that question, and did not respond. Irritated, she tried to anger him. "I thought the replacement would be evil! Did you get along well with The Boston Crab?" But Chappy was not disturbed, and responded calmly. "Nay, though I had defeated Clawson, she denied me, saying that I first must gain the blessing of the Texas Board of Education, so I slew her!" The class was overjoyed with this turn of events, and gave a great cheer, saying hail Chappy and such. A few youths were not so easy to please, and gave an amateurish attempt at sarcasm: "Oh, yeah, HE's cool." they said, and silence the violence and stuff of that nature. And they did all hand their papers in. Chappy did not like teaching, especially since he knew very little about the subject. He showed slides of pictures, and said who painted them or whatever, and if he thought they were stupid or not. Beireia got bored watching all this, and to pass the time she drew pictures and slipped them into the projector with the real ones. But Chappy was not aware of this, and when her abstract impressionism one came up he spake thusly: "I don't know who did this, or what it's about, but it's stupid." And Beireia was hurt, having her beloved insult her picture so, she responded by yelling at him. Chappy performed a clever evasion: "Ha Ha!" he said "I knew, I was just teasing you! Ha Ha!" but it was not clever enough to fool Beireia, and she hit him over the head with the podium, rendering him unconscious, then dismissed the class early.
Waiting was not something that Gasoline Girl did well, but wait she did, until her last class ended, and school was over. You may ask yourself, "what is she waiting for?" You can ask yourself whatever you want, I don't care. Chappy Chappy and Beireia joined up with Tatanya Positronic and Gasoline Girl, and they all headed to the parking lot where the elder Bananas would pick them up. As Ionil and her husband pulled up, a "bang!" was heard, and a cloud of dense smoke obscured their vision. This was what Gasoline Girl had been waiting for, and she ran as fast as her legs would carry her to the car in which her mother was waiting to help her escape. She had stolen the smoke bomb from Clawson's desk last time she was in his class, waiting for just this opportunity. Quickly, the others caught on, and piled into the Bananamobile in seconds. Ionil dropped the clutch, and accelerated hard to pursue the escaping car. The Bananamobile had a large, powerful V8, and pulled up behind Gasoline Girl's getaway car in only a few blocks. Chappy then climbed over the windshield (it's a convertible) onto the hood, then leaped onto the back of the other car. Terrified, Gasoline Mom began to swerve back and forth to throw him off, but in vain, for he clung fast with much tenaciousness. And she did continue to swerve, eventually losing control and rammed into an 18 wheeler. The airbags deployed successfully, saving Gasoline Girl and her mother, but Chappy Chappy, being on the outside of the car, did not enjoy its benefits. He was thrown over the trailer, landing one hundred feet away. Being of supremely agile stature, he maneuvered his feet underneath him, and landed with no harmful effects. Laughing heartily, he picked up his quarry, and carried them to the Bananamobile. And they all drove home together.
"Mother, I'm sorry I brought you into all of this." Gasoline Girl sobbed. "I just.... " But Gasoline Mom was not angry, rather, was happy to see her, so had she missed her daughter. She then whispered into her ear instructions to call the police, and tell them of their plight. Gasoline Girl said that she had done so many times, but they would not help her. However, if her mother was there, perhaps they would believe her. In eighty three short minutes, the Bananamobile arrived at its stop, and they all got out. All were jovial, laughing and commending Gasoline Girl on her nearly successful escape attempt. Chappy Chappy said his usual line about enjoying a feast in celebration. And Gasoline Girl, in tears, shouted at him: "You always say that! It's not going to be a feast! all we're going to eat is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with chocolate, and maybe some cup ramen if we're lucky!" And Chappy, humbled, did say that that was a feast, and anyway they also had Vienetta. And Gasoline Girl apologized for speaking to him so, and they ate their feast, and retired to their quarters to take a nap. On the way, Tatanya Positronic Banana stopped Chappy to ask about the paper. Chappy responded, saying that he had graded them all, giving both her and Gasoline Girl grades of 1250. "That should give you an A for the rest of the year!" But Tatanya Banana was dubious. "You don't think they'll catch on, and come get us?" And Chappy realized that this was possible, but did not let on. "Ha Ha! Noone ever looks at the grade book!" said he.
The whole gang made every effort to comfort Gasoline Girl and Gasoline mom, but in vain, for they were sad, missing their home and Gasoline Dad. The Banana family (by now Chappy and Beireia were pretty much family) convened and discussed the problem. "Let us retrieve the Gasoline house, and bring it here!" This bright idea was generated by Victor Banana himself. It was unanimously approved by the committee, and agreed to be put into effect the following night. Chappy called his friend, Robot, who was a wrecker by trade, and arranged for him to bring the proper equipment to the Gasoline house. That evening, Beireia locked the door to the Gasoline room of the Banana house, so they wouldn't notice their absence. They then headed toward their destination, via Bananamobile. There they met Robot, a young punk whom Chappy knew from somewhere. As the others stepped out of their car, Robot was instantly smitten by Tatanya Positronic Banana's beauty, and fell in love with her. He made up his mind then that he would become a regular character in this, the story which I am writing, so that he might pursue the affections of his love. And while he was deciding this, the Banana family lifted the house off of its foundation, and tried to get Robot's attention, so that he would back his flatbed trailer underneath the house, but they couldn't yell, cuz then Gasoline Dad would wake up. Chappy kicked a small rock, which hit Robot in the back of the head. "You were supposed to use the hydraulic lifts!" he exclaimed. "don't blame me" He then quickly backed his trailer beneath Gasoline house, and it was lowered onto the trailer. "That was a heavy house!" Tatanya declared, causing Robot's knees to become weak, by virtue of her enchanting voice. It was declared that Chappy, Beireia, and Victor would stay on the trailer to steady the house as he drove, and Ionil would drive the Bananamobile home. Chappy said thusly: "Tatanya should ride with Robot, and direct him to our home, because Ionil will surely get lost." Beireia agreed, strongly, but Victor told him to shut up, and not be so negative toward his wife. This proposal was accepted, however, much to Robot's joy.
Inside the cab, the atmosphere was tense, and composed mainly of nitrogen. Robot was nervous, being shy around girls. Bravely, he gathered his courage and spoke to Tatanya. "Why are you moving this house?" he asked. Tatanya told him the story, explaining that they wanted to make the Gasoline family feel more at home. Robot agreed that this was very thoughtful of them, and expressed his satisfaction that he could help. So nervous was he that he swerved all over the road, crushing mailboxes and signs and such. "I haven't ever moved a house before, I mostly do cars and stuff." said he. Tatanya asked how long he had been a wrecker. A crunch was heard as a parked civic passed beneath the wheels of the truck. Swearing was heard as Chappy Chappy and Beireia urged Robot to watch where he was going. "About two years. I've seen some pretty weird stuff on the job" said he. And the remainder of the trip passed in a similar manner, the two young people in the cab chatting pleasantly, and the truck smashing all in its path. At the Banana residence, Robot used his crane to place the Gasoline house on the roof. Chappy and Victor discussed possible methods of traveling between the two houses. Robot suggested that they align the chimneys of the two houses, knock out the bottom of the Gasoline fireplace, and put ladder rungs on the inside of the chimneys. All agreed that this was an excellent idea, and Robot moved the house once again. He then bid Tatanya farewell, and returned to his own domicile. The others, being weary from lifting the house, went to bed.
ZZzz.. Thump! that was the soundtrack to early the next morning at the Banana household. The 'z's were for sleeping, of course, and the thump was the sound of Gasoline Dad falling three stories from his front door to the ground below. The rest of the Gasoline family were awakened by the noise, but the others, being very worn out, remained asleep. Rushing toward the noise, Gasoline Girl and Gasoline Mom were horrified at what they saw there. Gasoline Girl saw her house perched above her, and realized what had happened. "Damn those lunatics! look what they've done to you, father!" But he only laughed, saying that he was all right. (he's a pretty tough fellow) Gasoline Girl told her father that she and Gasoline Mom had called the police that night while the others were away, hopefully they would be rescued. The Banana family awoke at the sound of Gasoline Girl's cries, and by that time, they had arrived on the scene. "Surprise!" they said. "We knew you missed your dad, and your house, so we brought them both here!" Yet, despite this generous gesture, she was far from happy. The others did not pick up on this, and continued their cheerful banter. "Do you like what we did with your house? Robot put it there!" they said, also mentioning that he would be by later to install further modifications. At the sound of his name, Robot himself pulled up in his tow truck. "Hello everyone!" said he. Also pulling up were multiple police cars and a few helicopters. "This is the Academic SWAT team!" a loud voice boomed. "Chappy Chappy and Tatanya Banana, please surrender yourselves" And Tatanya was angry at Chappy asking did he remember when she said this would happen? Yes, yes, he did, but that didn't help anything. Gasoline Girl and her mother did not listen to what the Academic SWAT team said, and believed that they were about to be rescued. They jumped for joy. Chappy and Tatanya wondered aloud to each other why the SWAT team did not want to arrest Gasoline Girl, since her grade was fixed as well. They also wondered why she was jumping. "This is your last warning! surrender yourselves immedately, please!!" the cop with a megaphone bellowed. And then, in the midst of a most tumultuous situation, the rocket pod which the evil Clawson had used to escape to his floating hideout fell to earth with a terrible crash. It fell very near the cops, who assumed that the Bananas and co. had attacked, and they began firing. Chappy shouted: "You're never gonna get me!!" and exploded several of the patrol cars with a flare of his mighty flame. In retaliation, a sniper in the helicopter shot him in the forehead. "OW!" cried poor Chappy, as he fell to the ground, writhing in agony. Victor advised a strategic withdrawal into his house, and all agreed. Beireia picked Chappy off the ground, and hurried into the house, shielding her back with his form. If he has been shot once and survived, a few more bullets won't hurt.
Poor Chappy is what they did say, for he was now unconscious, having been shot several times. Tatanya wondered, "What should we do?" and all considered the question. All except for Gasoline Girl, who was in the corner, weeping, as she had been since she discovered that the police were not going to rescue her after all. Considering especially hard was our friend Robot, for he had a plan. "Worry not, Tatanya." said he "I'll take the blame." And everyone was shocked that he would do such a thing. Tatanya tried to dissuade him from his plan, saying that when Chappy Chappy awoke, he would defeat the remaining cops, and anyway, they wouldn't believe that he did it. "They will arrest me without hesitation, because of my appearance." Robot replied. He waved, smiling to his love as he opened the door and surrendered himself. Just as he said, the police were enraged by his clothes, and quickly arrested him. "Are you Chappy Chappy?" they asked "Where's the girl, Tatanya Banana?" And Robot said that they were innocent, he had set them up. And then the police grabbed him saying Aha! and such. One started to mumble that Robot had the right to remain silent, but then he remembered that it doesn't apply to punks. "Ah, what a brave and noble lad!" Chappy exclaimed, his admiration clear. Beireia agreed with him, though she knew the reason for Robot's action. Tatanya admonished him for not defeating the Academic SWAT team, and forcing Robot to surrender himself. Chappy apologized, and watched as they left.
The next day, as the Banana family sat breaking fast, they heard a knock on the door. Ionil Banana went to open it, and was shocked to see Robot standing there. He said hello, and was pushed in by a pair of officers who had been standing behind him. "He's not to leave this house for two months, ma'am" they said, and then left. Ionil called out: "Hey, everyone! that boy is here again!" and they came, and they were shocked by Robot's presence. Robot explained that the cops realized that he couldn't possibly have framed Tatanya and Chappy for fixing the grades, and so could not charge him as anything but an accomplice. Also, they were extremely embarrassed by what had happened at the Banana house, and so closed the case on Chappy and Tatanya. Anyway, they couldn't get much of a sentence for accomplice to academic dishonesty, and had to settle for two months house arrest, except they thought he lived at the House of Banana. "Hoho! well, this boy certainly is clever!" Beireia exclaimed, explaining to Chappy that he had fallen in love with Tatanya Positronic, and his reason for surrendering was so that he could live under the same roof as her. Once Chappy Chappy heard this, Robot's plan was clear, and they both began to laugh loudly. "Those two kinda freak me out." Robot said. "Yeah, me too, but they're really all right. Come on, you're just in time for break fast." It was Tatanya who said this. And so began Robot's new life with the recently enlarged Banana family.

End of Part Four

Chapter Five